Mentoring or Coaching?

I am often asked what is the difference between mentoring and coaching. Strictly, coaching is empowering someone to enhance their particular skillset and is for a set period whereas mentoring shows students how to address and solve their own problems and is a lifetime skill once acquired.

Personally, I tend to use the two expressions quite loosely, as in my experience most people respond better to an approach where I am often both a mentor and coach. It just depends on the particular situation and the issues around it. Being flexible, open-minded and thinking outside the box is very helpful when we come to solving problems.

One of the many models I can use is the GROW model. This is made up of:

  • Goals.
  • Current Reality.
  • Options.
  • Will or Way Forward.

Coaching Modules & Models


Module 1 - Mindset

Overcoming limiting belief and achieving your goals. (duration 3 sessions)

Balanced mindset

Module 2 - Spirituality

Understanding and embracing your inner-person, your values through self-awareness, managing and overcoming your challenges with confidence, courage and by developing your guiding principles. (duration 3 sessions)

Spiritual awareness

Module 3 - Peace of Mind

Feeling relaxed, enjoying the flow of life, letting go of things that doesn’t serve your true purpose. (duration 3 sessions)


Each model steps are similar – understanding the goals, the context, the skillset, the next steps, and a review of the success so far – and may be chosen based on coach and client preference, and prior experience. We will talk through these and apply tried and tested techniques to help you develop your inner person, making future challenges much easier to tackle.


Establish the desired outcomes, the session’s scope, and agree on the coaching process.

The coach is encouraged to listen and only engage to ‘nudge’ and steer the conversation toward the topics under review.

Examine in more detail how the individual is affected by the situation.

Get the individual to commit to changes and internalize their new outlook.

Perform follow-ups with the individual to assess how things are progressing and identify what worked well in the coaching sessions.


Understand the context and the subject under discussion.

Identification Arrive at a clear goal or outcome (define using SMART).

Understand if the emotions associated are going to boost or block progress toward the goal.

Explore the bigger picture. How does this goal sit within the broader context of the client’s life?

Define a series of steps to reach the goal and the timescales upon
which this is based.

Review the decisions made, understand what has been learned,
and whether the plan is sensible


Understand the desired outcome and the individual’s long-term goals.

Help the client become aware of their skills, abilities, level of knowledge, and how they feel.

What are the options for reaching the desired outcome?

Identify the improvements and how best to make them.

Hold regular reviews to ensure the client is on track.


Goal Setting
Where you want to be?

Reality Assessment
Where are you now?

Options What would you get there?

Will or Way
What will you do? Or which way do you want to get there?

So if you think that you could gain from mentoring or coaching in life or business then why not come and enjoy a free Discovery Session with me?
All in good time

Take your first step

Lets meet up online for a video chat and find out if coaching is right for you.