A Brilliant Mind – Your Questions Answered


The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Albert Einstein Tweet This week I was invited to on a radio breakfast show on Solihull Radio to talk about my coaching and mentoring work. It was an excellent opportunity for many people across the Midlands and worldwide listeners […]

Thank God It’s Monday. Retrain Your Brain.


My top 10 tips on how I broke the vicious cycle of TGIF I do not have to tell you, that whoever coined that phrase, must have really hated all other days of the weeks. What a miserable soul. But at least he or she was grateful for Friday, only to start their miserable life […]

Relationship with Man and God Can it be symbiotic?


Relationship Definitions I am writing this blog because I was inspired by a church service recently and immediately started writing down my thoughts. The Sunday message was about Relationship with God and how Christians can build a stronger relationship with God. The second reason for writing is that relationship is an integral part of both […]

Finding your independence


The United States of America is celebrating Independence Day also referred to as the Fourth of July or July Fourth. They liberated themselves from the British Empire in 1776 and regarded themselves a new nation.  The celebrations are filled with laughter, fireworks, food, music and people enjoying the day. It is for the day! Freedom is what we […]

Why is speed coaching effective?


Speed coaching is an idea that fits into the busy schedules of people today and looks at how life coaching and mentoring should work with you, not against you. Have you heard these popular phrases? I am really very busy. I don’t have the time. There’s not enough time to get everything done. I am snowed […]

The Silent Coach. A tribute to my dad on Father’s Day

father's day

My dad, James Andrew was a dynamic and inspiring person. I only realised this after his death 18 years ago. A five feet tall man from India who travelled to over eighty countries since 1966. The first ten years were even without an official passport, so that was a miracle in itself! The Indian government […]

Powerful & Timeless Principles


My life is built on some powerful and timeless principles. They were planted when I was very young by my parents but it took time for these principles to become rooted and for me to realise their potential. 45 years later these principles are now weaved into my lifestyle and inseparable. My principles There are […]

How to be content?


This is a difficult question for anyone to answer. In fact, when we do try and answer this question, it tends to be on how one likes to feel rather than how one is feeling. I would like to share how I became a very content person. Believe me, I am not daydreaming, I am […]