About Me...

I have been a coach for over seven years, working with those who need guidance and clarity from life. My work ethic and methods all span from my own experiences, starting with the reason I became a coach through to my diverse cultural understandings.

I am positive, and I am motivational – I always have had those traits within my personality, but even I have been through a bump in the road which made it difficult to shine through with light. 

Before I was a coach, I lacked confidence, self-esteem and felt my life was rid of failures and inadequacies. I decided to make a change, researching ways to transform my thinking. My journey led me to the world of coaching and eventually becoming a Transformational and Business Coach with the Institute of Leadership and Management.

When I work with clients, I tap into my previous thoughts and behaviours to provide them with a holistic approach to coaching. I also have a well-cultured background, with my Indian heritage and having travelled twenty-four times and worked with clients in China for ten years. It allows me to understand clients from all types of backgrounds and help them develop their next steps in life.

I have successfully inspired many individuals helping them identify the root causes, which were stumbling blocks to their progress. Together we built a pathway they could venture with a renewed mindset.

mother teresa bubble

Why did I become a coach and mentor?

The simple answer…
Seven years ago, I did not realise that I was even coaching or mentoring. I was just talking to people on plane, trains and automobiles. I enjoy meeting and talking with people. However, when they started commenting and I quote…

  • Thank you that was very helpful.
  • I really appreciate you spending time with me.
  • That’s insightful.
  • The way you helped me to think is really awesome.
  • You certainly know how to inspire and motivate people.
  • Are you a mind-doctor, philosopher, teacher?

Although those comments encouraged me and boosted my confidence, I wanted to understand why I wanted to become a coach.

I needed to discover my WHY, in other words, my PURPOSE.

Why am I doing this?

At first, it wasn’t easy to write down my purpose in a few sentences that would echo with people who would enjoy coming come on board with me.

However, in a networking event, I just happened to meet a highly experienced university SME Business Professor who decided to mentor me. Wow! I felt honoured and excited. To top it all the mentoring sessions were free of charge, funded by the European Department for SMEs.

After a culmination of twelve hours of mentoring sessions and reflective walks and contemplation, I was able to define my WHY, my PURPOSE to become a coach. 

I am committed to transforming your life by throwing light into your darkness: A journey to defined success!

You drive, I guide! Your effort, my support!

All in good time

Take your first step

Lets meet up online for a video chat and find out if coaching is right for you.